Frequently Asked Questions

Scan the QR code on the visitor parking sign to complete the registration form for the property you are visiting. If you cannot scan the QR code then you must know the property name. Select the Visitor Time and Allotment, if applicable. Accurately enter all required information. Complete checkout for instant parking privileges. Knowingly or Unknowingly entering incorrect information will not exempt the vehicle from an enforcement action.

EZE Permit accepts both Permanent and Temporary plate numbers. In the absence of a permanent or temporary plate, Enter the LAST 8 characters of the VIN. Any registration that is received as TEMP, TEMP PLATE, TEMPORARY, NO PLATE, etc. will automatically be denied parking authorization. Knowingly or Unknowingly entering incorrect information will not exempt the vehicle from an enforcement action.

Registering the vehicle provides you with instant parking privileges within the guidelines of the community.

A Virtual Permit is a digital parking permit that matches the plate or VIN of the vehicle easily identifying the immediate authorization to park on the property within the guidelines of the community.

Every property pre-establishes their Visitor parking rules. When selecting the Visitor Time during registration, it is your responsibility to notice the length of time the permit is valid for. Any extended stay requires prior approval.

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